News in the food and beverage industry

Complete range for packing coffee capsules

SPREAFICO AUTOMATIC FILLING MACHINE, a company specializing in the design, construction and marketing of coffee and soluble coffee capsule solutions, will present to HOST Milano, 20-24 October, an unusual bagging machine that extends its current portfolio. On display, there are also two machines for packing in two and six slides.


Spreafico - Host Milano 2017


Even in the field of coffee packaging, more and more customers require "turnkey" solutions that allow them to interface with one reality rather than with a company of different companies. For this reason, Spreafico has collaborated with a company specializing in the design and construction of secondary packaging machines and end-line, which has enabled it to expand its portfolio with a dedicated coffee maker and solvents . In this way, Spreafico can also cover the steps downstream of the capsule packaging, offering a "complete package" to customers. A clientele that is becoming more and more heterogeneous and international, including small, medium and large roasting in the four corners of the globe. Of particular importance is the American continent, with the North mainly focused on "Keurig" cappuccino solutions, for the packaging of coffee blend drinks (and not only) and the south which is revealing an area with great potential. In fact, countries such as Brazil are relieving themselves of the sole role of producers - that is where most of the raw material is grown - to become an interesting reference market also from the point of view of consumption. And if in North America Spreafico can already rely on a loyal customer platform, important actions are underway to consolidate the company's presence even in the south of the continent.


Spreafico - macchine confezionamento caffè - host milano 2017Recently, Spreafico has obtained the ISO 9001 certification, proving the adoption of increasingly advanced manufacturing processes. At the kermesse in Milan, the Italian company will bring three automatic machines: in addition to the aforementioned bagging machine, a machine for packing in "nespresso" two-slice capsules and one for "sweet taste" six tracks. The appointment is Milan from 20 to 24 October!

Spreafico is a reality specializing in the design and marketing of packaging machines for coffee capsules and soluble products. The company, based at Calolziocorte (LC), offers a line up of solutions characterized by different speeds and features, so as to adapt to the most diverse production needs.

25 September 2017
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