News in the food and beverage industry

Host: the importance of growing with the customer

The trade fair has definitely been a positive experience for Spreafico, who’s becoming an increasingly important player in the coffee and soluble product packaging industry. With its participation to the Milan event, the company wanted to strengthen its position and its identity, sendign an important signal to the market – that of being closet o the client and its needs.


Sprefico ad Host 2017

In addition to a strong technological background, that in forty years of on the market has led to the development of high performance  and flecible solutions, the company, headquartered in Calolziocorte, has leverage its talent for service and care, which makes it the ideal partner for the development of projcts of any size aimed at the capsule packaging of cofee or soluble products such as teas, tisanes and assorted blend. Spreafico, tank to its know-how and its market oriented approach, can support the client from the early stages of the designing of the plant, up until the testing and installation. It i salso able to work effectively with both small and big roaster. The Host trade fair has been, above all, a change for a diologue with the customers and to strengthen the  foundations of future partnerships.


The 2017 editionEnrico Spreafico, the owner, says – has been especially important for Spreafico, having been able to showcase a complete range of offerings, truly representative of the potential and ability of the business. Beside my staff, i woulk like to thanjk allo f the clients that stopped by at the trade fair, they are the most important asseto f this company. It is tank to the partnership established with roaster, both big and small, that Spreafico has been able to grow and this is a relationship and we want to keep strengthening in the future!"



15 November 2017
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