News in the food and beverage industry

Safety and security systems at work places

HIGH QUALITY PROTECTION SYSTEMS. They suddenly realized that thei ride ascould be the answer to this growing demand and it’snot by chance that now STOMMPY® is the world leader in cutting-edge shock proof safety devices on work places! The Team is constantly committed to significant improvements on products: bollards, guardrails, aligning brake rails, shock pro of plates, hygienic skirtings, wall cladding sheets, column bumpers, loading bay buffers, trolley brakings, road marker and, last but not least, the brand new modular bollard.


Immagine di Marco Chiarini di StommpyAll products are designed to absorb the energy and transumiitinto the floor, not damaging it following an impact! Our performances are certified by external Safety Associations, in particolar regarding the non-toxicity of the material sused, the maximum impact force with standable, water tightness, mechanical strength, laboratori tests, HACCP compliance, recyclability.


STOMMPY® offers a complete and professional service to its Customers, which starts from a technicalin spection of the critical and risky point sat the plant, along with on-site consultation and analysis, proceeding with the development of our best offer and a clear and comprehensive graphic design of the proposed solutions, then followed by an installation service carried out by our experienced and skilled technicians, equipped with professional equipment that ensures a rapid and clean service, also available to provide ordinary and extraordinary maintenance services, there by supplying maximum efficiency of our protection systems at alltimes.


Our spectrum of service

Our jewel in the crown isour R&D Department, four engineers totally dedicated to improvingexistingproducts and creating new ones. A very cohesive team that designed and created our PATENTED best shots:


Tecklene®, a polymer with high technical performances and compliant to HACCP guidelines, thanks to its certified Non-toxicity; using Tecklene ®, we were first to introduce the parameter of controller elasticity in shock proofprotection systems, increasing the mechanical shock resistance to values never thought before; we have completely eliminated the problems of rust and paint removal from surfaces, and obtained the certification for eligibility to use in food processing environments and pharmaceutical-hospital sector.


sistemi di sicurezza aziendale - stommpy


FIXA Block System®,the intelligently simple anchoring system, internationally patented. It's a new generation anchoring system with a performance 40% better than standard systems. With a simple but effective mechanism, isable to expand the teeth of a steel crown against the wall of the floor, blocking the anchor until the end of stroke and making the bumper ready for use, evenif the mixture cementis not completely dry. We granty our floor for 5 YEARS*! * under pre-defined tecnica conditions, due to tecnica specifications of the material sused for your floor.

R&D team decided to get external certifications regarding the high performances of STOMMPY® products, in order to give evidence of the real made in Italy high quality, not only perceived by Customers but proven by professionals.


15 January 2018
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