News in the food and beverage industry

Horizon 2020 program - funds for research, sustainability, digitization and rural renaissance

Research, sustainability, digitization and rural renaissance. These are the areas of action for which the EU Horizon 2020 program has made available a billion euros for agriculture and rural areas for 2018-2020.


"These are innovative and strategic actions for the primary sector, capable of generating added value along the entire agri-food axis - noted the Director General of VeronaFiere, Giovanni Mantovani - The Horizon 2020 program, moreover, constitutes an element of interest for all exhibitors and visitors of Fieragricola, who in Verona from 31 January to 3 February will be able to summarize and plan routes with a high rate of innovation for the supply chains ».

Horizon 2020


In particular, 753 million are foreseen in the chapter Food security and sustainability, 75 of which are to fund research projects for soil management, 45 on climate change and 112 for international cooperation on agricultural issues with China and Africa. 263 million are dedicated to research projects to make younger, vital and connected rural areas (the so-called "rural Renaissance"), of which 100 for the experimentation of innovative supply chains based on the circular economy.


With a budget of 77 billion euros, the EU's research and innovation funding program Horizon 2020 supports scientific excellence in Europe. Over the next three years, the Commission intends to increase the impact of its research funding, focusing on fewer but more sensitive issues, such as migration, security, climate, clean energy and the digital economy. Horizon 2020 will thus be more oriented towards encouraging pioneering and market support innovations.



16 January 2018
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