News in the food and beverage industry


New solutions tailored to the market’s needs by Volpak – fast moving for the consumer goods market

After a successful 2017 with a 30% revenue growth, 2018 started with an order book that keep sex panding. VOLPAK one of Coesia’s companies, is the pioneer and the leading brand in the design and manufacturinf of HFFS machines for Flat and Stand Up flexible pouches, says goodbye to 2017 with satrsfaction and gets ready to address the challenges of the new year with renewed optimism. On the horizon are the introduction of an innovative high-speed pouching machine, a renewed “industry 4.0” SI-series and many other events.


Volpak leader settore confezionamento

VOLPAK starts 2018 as the market leader in the HFFS pouching industry, a position it established and maintained thanks to a constant investment in technology. The Spanish company, known as the “pouching partner” of reference, is constantly investing in innovation and new technology to develop machines tailored to the clients’ requests and that anticipate the trends and needs of an increasinglyfastermoving consumer goods market. In thiscontext, the company began the development of an innovative high-speed horizontal pouching machine, the ultimate break through to be launched at mid-yeart hat willaim to become the highlight of the pouching technology made in Barcelona. The new machine will be at top of the line for performance, cost of production and efficiency, representing the ideal solution for companies with substantial needs in terms of high volumes without having to compromise in pouch quality.


The succes of the current portfolio


enflex sl-440The SI-440 machine keeps raising considerable interest; this machine, previewed in 2017 interpack and currently VOLPAK’s flagship pouching machine amongits wide intermittent HFFS machine portfolio, isable to run a wide range of pouch sizes, with high production rates and offering a high level of factory connectivity.


The innovative features that have contributed to its success will be rolled out to the SI series through 2018, which will now be “Industry 4.0 ready”, evolving from a tecnological point of view and maintaining their machine robustness and flexibility, as this is the quality that has made the SI series one of the most appreciated lines on the market.


There are also news on the ENFLEX brand: the machines for stand up pouch and flats achets are under going a restyling process, to continue improving their performance, and ergonomics.

As with the SI line, the characteristics that have helped ENFLEX machines become bestsellers will stay the same, especially in terms of simplicity, quality and reliability.


2018 will also be full of events: VOLPAK will be presentat the Barcelona Hispak Trade Fair (March 8th-11th), at the CHIGACO OPACK EXPO (October 13th-15th) anta t the Paris ALL4PACK (November 26th-29th).


28 February 2018
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