News in the food and beverage industry

Agriflex at Anuga 2018

Agriflex designs and manufactures automated industrial plants for storing, Conveying and dosingei ther powder, solid or liquid raw materials for the production of food, pharmaceutical and chemical products.

Our production is traditionally based in the conception, project, realization and installation of completely automated systems for the handling of raw materials (macro, micro, solid, liquid and granules) for the following fields : food, chemical, pharmaceutical and plastics, particularly enhancing the food sector. 
Our customers are world-wide reputed food industrie show ever we have been known to also suppl your equipments to small errealities, hence providing a 360° service and supply to the global food network. 


AGRIFLEX - ANUGA 2018Systems and installation for the production of natural liquidy east


Natural yeast (or sour-dough starter) is a mix of flour and water left to rise spontaneously in open air for a certain period of time, during which the micro-organisms in the flour, water and air reproduce and ferment, re leasing compounds with excellent nutritional and aromatic qualities.

The traditional preparation of natural yeast (yeast-based starter) is quite a complex and delicate processin fluenced by environmental variability and the cleanliness of both the working environment and the equipmentused. The experience, ability and skill of the baker are often not enough to guarantee the stability and effectiveness of the natural yeast in this fragile biological balance.


For years Agriflex have been designing and installing industrial systems for the production of natural liquidy east. These systems guarantee a product that respects the expected qualitative standards. The quality and consistency of the characteristics are guaranteed, because the chemical-physical parameters of the process (temperature, time and acidity) are controlled.


Flour cooling systems


INNOVATIVE SOLUTION for the food industry in paticular applied to the baked products


Dough temperature controlis a key factor in obtaining constant and ideal quality in the production of bakery. One of the most commonly popular methodis the lowering the dough temperature by addingice; some cool the dough by mixing liquid nitrogen; others mix the flours using lamellar flows of cold air; some others use the screw heat-exchangers method. These methods represent empirical approach, expensive and impractical methods, poorly efficient solutions, increasing both plant running and operating costs due to the difficult cleaning and maintenance process.


The Flour cooling system / PATENT NR. 1401347/ The Agriflex solution offers several, significant advantages:

  • high energy efficiency thanks to the directex change and consequently reduced operating costs;
  • high effective ness thanks to the considerable temperature reduction;          
  • complete system automation that, thanks to the reduced ther malinertia and he absence of accumulations, ensures the correct temperature of the dough, compensating the temperature variations of the other components and ambient temperature;
  • ease of maintenance since allareas can be easily cleaned.
20 March 2018
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