News in the food and beverage industry

Hsl 16 - innovative high speed labeling machine

The new DE SANTIS automatic labeling machine, model HSL16, is the only European high speed machine, horizontal rolling system, with the application of a single type of hot glue.

The machine is adjustable for different formats (up to 1 kg), is simple to operate, robust and reliable.





The De Santis Company is the Italian leader in the construction of high speed rolling labellers and is one of the "oldest" companies in this sector. The first De Santis automatic labeling machine ("La Rivoluzionaria") was created in 1938, suitable for all types of cylindrical metal cans.


Horizontal rolling labeling system with first and second operation cold glue.


For some years the company was committed to the industrial development and the placing on the world market of a brand new model of labeling machine that sees the introduction of a spray bonding system, managed by an electronic control unit, with the use of a single tank of hot glue for both application operations on cans.


The advantages found with this important technological innovation are:

  • higher productivity (700-800cpm)
  • more cleaning (there are no first and second operation tanks)
  • less consumption of glue (point spray with various nozzles active / inactive)
  • greater economy (only one type of glue)

A product conceived by Luciano De Santis with engineer Terracina and with the assistance of a Swiss company. A machine - SINGLE glue LABELING MACHINE, series "HSL16" - which was presented for the first time at CibusTec 2016, in Parma.


«We are one of the few in the world - says Luciano De Santis - to produce stainless steel labellers, which allows numerous advantages in maintenance, cleaning and guarantees strength». Present in over 70 countries worldwide, the company exports 95% of its production.



28 March 2018
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