News in the food and beverage industry

The future of food production and distribution has begun

Conferences, seminars and talks at the 19th edition of Cibus 2018 - Parma is increasingly the Italian Food Capital with the entire food production and retail chain that has been scheduled to meet from May 7th to 10th for the 19th edition of Cibus, organized by Fiere di Parma and Federalimentare. The fair will serve not only to propose new products for the market, but also to analyze future production and distribution scenarios during conferences and talks.


The first meeting will be the World Food Research and Innovation Forum of May 7, organized by ASTER, the consortium company between the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Universities, the national public research institutes CNR, ENEA, INFN and the regional system of Business. Now in its second edition, the Forum will be dedicated to the topic of technological challenges and their impact on the agri-food system (the BioTechnologies and the new frontiers of research).
Federalimentare organizes several events in the name of sustainability and innovation, including: the round table "The virtuous circle of food: the enhancement of supply chain resources", a virtual journey in the production chains that, through the testimonies of companies with a high degree of innovation and scientific subjects engaged in research alongside companies, will demonstrate the potential of circularity in the food supply chain and the need to encourage the full exploitation of resources in different areas, both food and non.


Following the thread of innovation, a new edition of Ecotrophelia, the national competition for students of university faculties and ITS related to the food sector aimed at encouraging eco-innovation in agri-food products; the first three sustainable and innovative food products will be awarded.


Will also be presented Life-Food.Waste.StandUp a project that deals with communication and awareness of businesses and consumers on the prevention of food waste and management of surpluses along the supply chain. The seminar "Less food waste, more solidarity" will be an interesting opportunity for the partnership composed of Federalimentare (leader), Feder distribution, Banco Alimentare and Unione Nazionale Consumatori to present the extraordinary results of the initiatives two years after their beginning. Finally, the event "Smart European Projects - Sustainable Results in Agri-Food", on the activity of the European Projects Department of Federalimentare in terms of process and product innovation with the participation of the Scientific Coordinators of the European research centers involved.


cibus tec 2018


"Italian food on foreign markets: the experience of True Italian Taste" is the title of the conference promoted by Assocamerestero. Gian Domenico Auricchio, President of Assocamerestero and President of Fiere di Parma, and other speakers will report on the results achieved by the project promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development to enhance and safeguard the value of authentic Italian food products.


The IRI research institute, this year partner of Cibus, proposes a conference entitled "The new frontiers of Food: what the consumer asks and where the market moves", with a report by its General Manager, Angelo Massaro, and the interventions of representatives of the branded and large-scale industry.


Several meetings are dedicated to the retail world. GdoWeek / MarkUp organized, in collaboration with Cibus, the conference "Food 2038, how we will buy, how we will prepare, how we will eat", which aims to deepen current and future models of trade and changes in people's consumption patterns in the food sector. This event had a sort of anticipation on March 16th in Milan, at the Deloitte headquarters, with # Retail2038, dedicated to future distribution scenarios. As confirmed by all the speakers - including Francesco Avanzini (Conad), Mario Gasbarrino (Unes), Mariangela Marseglia (Amazon), Fabio Sordi (Selex) - the current phase of discontinuity will lead to new multivariate formats without separation between physical point of sale , online sales, catering. All in an experiential continuum built through personal and digital relationships, tastings and information.

The Food Group presents three meetings in the new fair area, Cibus Innovation Corner, dedicated to a selection of 100 of the most innovative products on display. The "Coffee break innovation", short daily talks, will be dedicated to: The top trends in food & beverage innovation (in collaboration with IRI); Innovating in the private label of large retailers; The new frontiers of packaging.

"Like the models, the positioning of the signs and customer satisfaction determine the financial results of the Italian GDO" is the seminar organized by Retail Watch: models and positioning of the signs; The degree of customer satisfaction; The economic-financial results of the GDO companies.

In Store marketing is the focus of the seminar proposed by the University of Parma and IPSOS: new technologies for the face recognition of the consumer who enters the point of sale for personalized promotions; experimental linear shelves with less depth of choice but unaltered exhibition space and further topical issues in the retail marketing field.


Beyond the retail, all the topics of the food sector will be touched. On the role of the chefs who also become "reference figures" able to dictate the new eating habits at the table we will speak in "Training and business: the identity of Italian cuisine in the international scenario" organized by ALMA The International School of Italian Cuisine ; among the speakers Oscar Farinetti, founder of Eataly.

Confconsumatori presents the event "New foods and new consumers, a look at the future: how our tables and our habits will change, between sustainability and health"; part of the conference will be dedicated to novelfoods: foods based on insects, cultivated meat and more.

Tecnoalimenti has organized a seminar on "food defense", that is the set of prevention and defense actions against the voluntary contamination of a food product, and the specific legislation required by all companies that export to the United States, starting from July 2019.

There are also numerous conferences and seminars of exhibiting companies. The complete program of the official conferences and exhibitors is available at:

04 April 2018
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