News in the food and beverage industry

AMP8000: the new concept of modularity in motion

Thanks to the new Beckhoff AMP8000 distributed drive system, power and movement can be integrated and placed where the application requires it.


The characteristic is that of having the drive directly in the servomotor. The power electronics on board the machine simplifies the internal layout of the panel, where it is only necessary to house a supply module to the various servos distributed along the machine.


Using Ethercat P, which provides Ethercat communication, and OneCable technology, a single coupler, using an AMP8805 distribution module in IP67, can supply up to five distributed servo motors (AMP8000) with on-board electronics. In addition to the resulting architectural cleanliness, this translates into significant savings in terms of costs, materials and installation time. Although they integrate the power electronics, the design of the new AMP8000 is particularly compact: compared to the analog servo AM8000 maintain the same flanges of attack, resulting only longer than 7 cm. The AMP8000 series includes the safety functions STO and SS1 as standard.


Sistema di servoazionamento Beckhoff

Distributed servo system with EtherCAT P single-cable solution The AMP8000 provides the optimum basis for compact and fully modular machines.




XTS: for new machine concepts

With XTS, Beckhoff completely revolutionizes machine and design concepts.


XTS is a modular mechatronic kit which, using linear and curvilinear modules of various bending radii, allows the design of the most varied trajectories.

The innovation of XTS is the ability to drive any number of movers independently on the same track. Each of the 'n' carriages is controllable with a law of own motion and characteristics of acceleration / deceleration and custom speed. This allows XTS to perform several tasks simultaneously, freeing the cycle times typical of the various serial operations performed on the same line.

These are the features that make XTS the first integrated linear drive system capable of offering all the typical advantages in optical 4.0. The PC-based control of Beckhoff allows any machine to act as a 'smart' line according to the vision of Industry 4.0 thanks to its characteristics of communication, flexibility and intelligence.



eXtended Transport System Beckhoff

Combined with PC-based and EtherCAT technology, the XTS transport system (eXtendedTransport System) revolutionizes machine concept and design.



24 April 2018
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