News in the food and beverage industry

Food packaging ... WE CARE! Atlas Copco at Ipack Ima 2018

Most food processing processes require vacuum, which is why Atlas Copco has developed intelligent, innovative vacuum pumps that are oriented towards energy saving and efficiency.


Atlas Copco screw pumps

Atlas Copco GHS VSD + screw pumps are ideal for all food industry applications: from packaging to drying / freezing, from vacuum cooling to churning hams, to degassing in dry pasta production.


The food packaging allows to increase the shelf life of the product, to maintain the appearance and the organoleptic characteristics, without compromising the quality. The Atlas Copco GHS VSD + screw technology improves the performance of packaging machines, allowing significant energy savings.



Atlas Copco pompe a vuoto GHS VSD


In addition, Atlas Copco has developed a TURBO version and a HUMID version.

The TURBO version allows faster vacuum cycles and in most systems eliminates the boosters on board the packaging machine, reducing noise and heat in the packaging room.

While the HUMID version is suitable for activities with a very high water content (up to 100%), for applications such as salad refrigeration or freeze drying.

The characteristics that distinguish the GHS and allow it to be efficient, are the Neos inverter designed by Atlas Copco, the intake control valve, the robust design of the stadium and the Elektronikon® monitoring system that makes the GHS pumps usable in the industry 4.0.



Atlas Copco vacuum pumps utilisation

GHS VSD + vacuum pumps can be used for:

  • Vacuum packing in bell
  • Modified MAP and EMAP atmosphere packaging
  • SKIN packaging
  • SHRINK packaging
  • Thermoforming of trays directly in the packaging machine
  • Film management in tubular bag packaging machines
  • Centralized systems for the supply of vacuum for entire production departments.



At the Ipack Ima fair (29 May-01 June) Atlas Copco will present its products dedicated to packaging and more specifically to food packaging at its stand (Pad.7 - Stand C25).


What Atlas Copco will present its superior performance, greater efficiency, quiet operation, high water vapor tolerance and many other innovative features of the VSD + GHS pumps.

For these and many other information Atlas Copco awaits you at the packaging fair from 29 May to 1 June in Milan.

We care!


27 April 2018
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