News in the food and beverage industry

The 19th edition of CIBUS is over

Satisfaction among the exhibiting companies that met thousands of foreign and domestic buyers - Presents the entire supply chain, from the agricultural world to the large retail brands - The future of food and food production analyzed in dozens of conferences.


Cibus 2018

CIBUS 2018 very good results

Confirming all expectations, at the nineteenth edition of Cibus have participated 3,100 food companies that have presented a large amount of new products (over 1,300) to about 82 thousand visitors. Extraordinary participation of foreign operators, who have closed many commercial agreements. Present throughout the supply chain, from the field to the supermarket, with the stands of the representative associations of the agricultural world and many insignia of the Italian and foreign retail chains. Dozens of conferences and workshops have examined the issues related to the future of the agro-food sector, attracting the interest of over 1,000 journalists, present all national newspapers, paper and television. A result achieved thanks to the dynamic collaboration between Fiere di Parma and Federalimentare, with the support of ICE-Agenzia and the active contribution of the Regions.

Antonio Cellie - CEO Fiere di Parma"The satisfaction of companies for this edition of Cibus is tangible and prospective - said Antonio Cellie, CEO of Fiere di Parma - because it confirms the enormous potential, fortunately still unexpressed, of the Made in Italy food. On the one hand, buyers from all over the world can not wait to return to Parma to continue to maintain and renew their assortments, on the other, our companies are just as impatient to propose new and continuous solutions to make them eat better and better. international consumers ".

Numerous meetings also during the fourth and last day of Cibus. Among these, the conference of Alma, International School of Italian Cuisine, entitled "Next Generation Chef: the identity of Italian cuisine in the international scenario". The event was also attended by Oscar Farinetti, founder of Eataly, who said: "A new generation of gastronomes is emerging, who must be aware that food is born in the earth and not in the kitchen. And as such it must be studied, transformed, offered and told. First of all it is necessary to know the territories, then to study the most natural techniques of cultivation, breeding and fishing. Follow the techniques of conservation and transformation in the kitchen, finally the narration to the final customer. All permeated by history, tradition and culture that come from the territories of Italy ".

Confagricoltura presented the association for agro-industry projects "Agronetwork", made up of various food companies, various research centers, and Confagricoltura itself; a platform to accelerate innovative processes and promote our excellence abroad. Speaking at today's round table on the subject of the BIO durum wheat sector, the President of Confagricoltura, Massimiliano Giansanti, addressed the issue of increasing the availability of national organic durum wheat, in particular through the valorisation of ancient grains.

Di pomodoro Bio  has been involved in the meeting organized by Oi Pomodoro from Industria del Nord Italia, reporting that the tomato supply chain has increased controls, even beyond what is established by the organic certification legislation, in order to guarantee the consumer an organic product healthy, sustainable and quality.

The theme of the novel food was addressed with the contribution of leading figures from the scientific world in the Confconsumatori workshop that illustrated the frontiers of research on new foods, such as food based on insects and meat.

At the end of the 19th edition of Cibus, the Banco Alimentare volunteers recovered several tons of food among the stands, which will be distributed to charitable organizations in the area.



CIBUS 2019

L’appuntamento è con Cibus Connect dell’aprile 2019 e la 20°edizione di Cibus

17 May 2018
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