News in the food and beverage industry

Industry 4.0, Iot, Big Data, Efficiency and Food Safety ... another confirm for MCTechnologies for Food

The 17th edition of the MCTecnologie food exhibition concluded with great results. The Vertical Event for Food & Beverage Technologies, dedicated to all professionals working in this industry.


With 135 billion euros of turnover and more than 32 billion exports, the food industry is a true engine of the country's system, both in terms of turnover and number of businesses (and therefore employment with more than 385,000 employees).


MCTechnology for Food / Vision and Traceability, a reference event for the Food & Beverage industry and the related logistics and traceability industry, concluded in Verona on 19 October, is a meeting that is indispensable for all professionals who want to understand the state of the art in the industry, get in touch with the latest technologies to optimize resources and streamline processes, find the best data collection solutions, and traceability and logistics solutions, upgrading and developing new business opportunities.



immagine di MCTecnologie mostra convegno dedicata all'alimentare


The vertical day was organized by EIOM with the support of ANIPLA (National Association for Automation), to facilitate the meeting and development of new synergies of business and was held in conjunction with SAVE - Exhibition dedicated to solutions and Vertical applications of automation, instrumentation, sensors (scheduled on 18/19 October), thus creating a great appealing pole.



"Food Industry: Advanced Technologies, Performance and Safety for Production Efficiency" was the theme of the important conference that, coordinated by Carlo Marchisio (Industrial Consultant - Food & Bev packaging industry, saw the participation of many speakers such as industry experts and important industrial realities, called to confront and share novelties, insights and important application cases.




Many topics under the spotlights: energy and production efficiency, traceability, automation and IOT, Big Data, plant maintenance, machinery directive, logistics, food security and much more.


A rich showcase, that scaligera, with the initiative that as always outside the morning session an important exhibition area where there were some of the most important suppliers (for technology and services) and an afternoon session with a series of workshops technical-applications where the participating companies have proposed in-depth studies and case histories of great interest.


The next appointment in Milan, April 2018.



31 October 2017
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