News in the food and beverage industry

Sigep 2018 concluded with record numbers

SIGEP RECORD DI PRESENZEThe thirty-ninth exhibition of ice cream, confectionery, artisanal bakery and coffee, is archived with a record of 209,135 total attendance, of which 135,746 Italian buyers and 32,202 foreign buyers from 180 countries, which add up to the universe of exhibitors, competitors to international competitions, team for competitions, guests at conferences, participants in the academy areas. "A reading of the numbers that adheres to the standards for the international benchmark and that allows a precise profiling on Sunday" explain from the Fair.


Sigep 2018 - numeri da record


The global dimension of the business, a rapidly growing demand, strategic innovation, high-level training: all this, all together, has contributed to the success of the Italian Exhibition Group Sigep.


All figures are the record for SIGEP 2018: 1,250 exhibitors on a surface of 129,000 square meters, 1,016 events organized in the official schedule, 940 accredited journalists of whom 112 are foreign for a development of almost 200 million media contacts to date. Success for the App dedicated to SIGEP: exceeded 10,000 downloads.


77% of international buyers come from Europe (primarily Spain, Germany, France, Greece, Poland), from Asia 12% (Japan, Korea, China and India), 7% from the Americas (United States, Canada and Brazil), 3% from Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Egypt 1%) and from Oceania (Australia).


The key events of Sigep 2018 were the Ice Cream World Cup and The Pastry Queen won by the French Annabelle Lucantonio (world pastry women's championship), along with a series of events in all sectors, under the banner of innovation and of high education. The live streaming links (Italian and English) of the events in the various Arenas have had an audience of around 244,000 users worldwide.


"Sigep, - stated Lorenzo Cagnoni, president of IEG - in the restricted elite of the world exhibitions protagonists of the foodservice, dominates the solid sector of confectionery, with a particular connotation for artisanal production and high quality. As a result, the artisan gelato, confectionery and bakery supply chains combined with coffee from the Sigep platform expand with new impetus, relationships and business in Italy and in the world. The widespread satisfaction among all exhibitors confirms Sigep's leadership and the strategic quality of its development plan ".

09 February 2018
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