News in the food and beverage industry

The year of food celebrated by Cibus 2018

In the year of food, as the Italian Government proclaimed 2018, Parma is a candidate for an ideal place to promote the excellence of Italian productions, and CIBUS is confirmed as the Italian platform for the enhancement of the food sector.


The 19th edition of CIBUS opens in two months, under the best auspices: the entire range of industrial food products, typical and with geographical indication, will be on display. More than a thousand products appearing for the first time on the markets. A new pavilion will host a selection of the most innovative products.


From 7 to 10 May, more than 3,000 exhibiting companies are expected in Parma, with a growing number of Italian and international operators and buyers.



 Cibus Tec 2018

The 19th edition of CIBUS falls in a favorable situation in which the Italian economy invests and hopes for a recovery.


The food sector closed 2017 with significant results: exports increased by + 7% on the previous year and also sales on the domestic market showed a weak but encouraging growth of + 0.8%. Regarding the export of the food industry, the estimate at the end of 2017 is € 32.1 billion.


Having reached a total turnover of 137 billion euros (about 190 if we consider the entire agri-food sector, including the primary), the Italian industries aim to renew the good results of 2017 in 2018, with increases in production and exports next, respectively, + 2% and + 7%, and a more tonic increase in domestic sales, between + 1% and + 2%.


The main food export markets, in addition to Europe and the USA, are Canada, Australia, Russia, and for Asia: China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan.


The role of CIBUS for export will be confirmed by the arrival in Parma of the buyers of the most important global distribution chains.


Antonio Cellie ceo fiere di ParmaAntonio Cellie, CEO of Fiere di Parma, spoke on this topic: "CIBUS is now the privileged observatory to understand the trends of an increasingly strategic sector for our country. Today, more than ever, agri-food is not only the most important sector in Italy, for employees and added value, but it is also a decisive junction for the development of the planet from an environmental, health and cultural point of view. This is why 80,000 professionals, most of whom are foreigners, meet every two years in Parma".



"CIBUS is the mirror of its 3000 exhibitors, all Authentic Italian - concluded Cellie - companies that are able to compete in the world, regardless of size, thanks to extraordinary quality standards combined with a prodigious flexibility. CIBUS is a unique kermesse of innovation and products appreciated by distribution and catering, all over the world, thanks to intrinsic quality and wholesomeness as well as ease of use and consumption".



13 March 2018
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