News in the food and beverage industry

Countdown for the 19th edition of Cibus 2018

Record figures for Italian agri-food exports. In 2017, the food made in Italy registered significant numbers that signal the recovery of the sector, especially in terms of exports.


The Italian food sector continues to grow and will present the results achieved and the proposals for the future at the reference fair, Cibus 2018 (in Parma from 7 to 10 May, organized by Fiere di Parma and Federalimentare).

The numbers of the Italian food industry

The 137 billion euros have been reached, showing a growth of 3.8%; however, exports grew by over 6% and now total over 41 billion, of which more than 32 of finished products (data 2017, Federalimentare and CibusExport Observatory). With food consumption still weak in Italy, exports therefore become increasingly strategic. Exports are growing in all areas, but there is finally a recovery of Russia, Spain and South America, while growth in North America and Asia is extremely sustained. The products that perform better even in 2017 are cheeses, cured meats, confectionery and sparkling wines, but show very interesting development rates for special flours, gastronomic and dietary preparations, distillates and mineral waters.


In the Year of Italian Food the agri-food chain will celebrate the results achieved and present new products at the 19th edition of Cibus. There will be 3,100 exhibitors present (+100 exhibitors compared to the 2016 edition); more than 135,000 square meters of exhibition space (an increase of 5,000 square meters compared to the 2016 edition thanks to the construction of a new temporary pavilion); 80,000 professional visitors are expected, of which 20% from abroad, and among these, 2,500 top buyers; about 1300 journalists will arrive, the major national newspapers and TV stations as well as specialized publications.


cibus 2018

A thousand new products will be exhibited at Cibus, whose list will be published at the end of April on the website. A selection of the 100 most innovative products will be exhibited in the Cibus Innovation Corner, a new exhibition area and talks. The number of chefs who will cook the new products for the tasting of the visitors is growing, both in the individual stands and in the Food Court dedicated to typical regional products. And the wide range of products with a designation of origin will be exhibited by the Consortium of Protection in the area of AICIG, the Italian Association of Geographical Indication Consortia.

Food trends will emerge from the exhibition and from the conferences scheduled: the continuous growth of health products, but also of ready meals; consumer demand focused on both premium and low-cost products.
Among the many round tables, conferences, seminars, workshops and talks, Cibus will be the opportunity to take stock of the most relevant issues: biotechnology and scientific research in food; innovation and sustainability; prevention of food waste; fake news in food; the promotion of products abroad Italians and the scourge of Italian sounding.

Antonio Ferraioli, Vice-President of Federalimentare (who will hold his general assembly at Cibus) presented the state of the art of the agri-food sector: "We are in the year that celebrates Italian food and industry data fully support the important investiture. After a 2017 that finally left the crisis behind, in fact, even for 2018, the agro-food sector seems to confirm itself as the leading sector of the Italian economy, growing more and better than other sectors. "

Sulle nuove tendenze di consumo dell’alimentare e sulle novità di Cibus2018 è intervenuto Antonio Cellie, Ceo di Fiere di Parma: “La capacità di innovazione delle imprese alimentari italiane riesce sempre a sorprenderci e rappresenta la vera competenza distintiva del settore e quindi di Cibus. Ognuno dei nostri oltre 3.000 espositori presenterà innovazioni di prodotto sempre più mirate ai diversi mercati internazionali garantendo la tenuta o addirittura l’incremento dello straordinario ciclo di sviluppo del nostro export nonché la soddisfazione degli 80.000 visitatori che arriveranno da tutto il mondo a Parma dal 7 al 10 maggio”.


03 May 2018
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